Our recycling going up in smoke?

Currently, Norfolk County Council (NCC) sends waste to Kent. A new incinerator is opening in Bedfordshire and from next April NCC will be sending 180,000 tonnes of waste to it. The claim is that it will reduce carbon emissions but that claim needs to be investigated and called out especially given the findings of the Dispatches programme: Dirty Truth About Your Rubbish.

The Green Party successfully campaigned against an incineration plant in Norfolk because it was not an environmentally safe way of dealing with our waste. Yet NCC claims it will solve our waste problem and reduce emissions!

Incinerators need to be fed waste to be viable as “energy from waste” facilities. So, there is no incentive to recycle if our rubbish is needed to fuel the incinerators – and 18 new incinerators are planned to be built across the country – madness!

This policy needs to be opposed and the 3Rs of reduce, recycle, and repair promoted.

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