Walk for Wildlife in Brundall

Local residents in Broadland took part today in a Walk for Wildlife held in Brundall Ward,   The walk was organised by District Councillors Jan Davis and Eleanor Laming to highlight the worrying decline of wildlife in the UK partly due to the continuing encroachment of development on wildlife habitats which causes both pollution and less space for wildlife to thrive.  This was due to coincide with the national Walk for Wildlife 2 in London, which was cancelled due to planned train strikes, and will be rescheduled for Spring 2023. The picture is taken on the edge of land east of Brundall Memorial Hall, which is due to be developed by Hopkins Homes who will be building 170 dwellings on the site.  The planning application was refused by Broadland District Council but permission was granted on Appeal in 2020. 20221126 Save our wildlife - Group - Resized


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