Safer roads for walking, cycling, and living

We’re in desperate need of safer roads for walking, cycling and living

“If you want to kill someone, the best way to do it is in a car because you are highly likely to get away with it. One of the reasons is that people are being killed by cars all the time. We tolerate a level of killing by cars that we don’t tolerate in any other area. If as many soldiers were killed in combat every year in UK wars, we would be up in arms. We would be outraged. Horrified. Astonished. We would demand government action. But when it comes to people being killed by cars, we just accept this as part of the ordinary course of life, and death. Well, it’s about time we stopped accepting it.”
George Monbiot

The above is an extract from a hard hitting article published by the ETA. It is well worth reading.

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