The People’s Plan for Nature

A group of 100 people from across the UK have been meeting to create a hugely ambitious nature saving plan – the People’s Plan for Nature. These are people from many walks of life, from diverse backgrounds, with different values and contrasting experiences. But together they’re the People’s Assembly for Nature.

The first phase of the People’s Plan for Nature was launched last year by the RSPB, WWF and National Trust.  Following a range of meetings, the People’s Assembly’s final recommendations were put forward and the People’s Plan for Nature has taken shape. When this is launched by the members of the People’s Assembly for Nature in March this year, it will be too big for anyone to ignore. The ideas in the plan will be shared with government, businesses, NGOs and communities, giving a comprehensive framework of how we can all take action to protect and restore nature.    For more information see the website:

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