Overview and Scrutiny Committee at Broadland can still be chaired by a member of the governing party

Question asked to Main Council on 23/2/23 

(response now published in papers for Main Council 23/3/23 page 27  https://www.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk/downloads/file/5596/march-23-2023-papers-broadland-council

I note that in the Norfolk Devolution Deal document, published 8 December 2022, paragraph 31 says:

Norfolk County Council will be scrutinised and held to account for their devolution deal by the Council’s Scrutiny Committee.  The Chair of Scrutiny Committee will be appointed by council and will be an opposition member, normally the Leader of the main opposition party, and shall not be a member of a registered political party of which the directly elected leader is also a member.

BDC’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee is currently chaired by a member of the governing political party.   Would BDC please consider changing its constitution to require the above arrangements to be in place for its Overview and Scrutiny Committee from May 2023?

The following wording could be used to bring it in line with Norfolk County Council’s proposed governance:

Broadland District Council will be scrutinised and held to account by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be appointed by council and will be an opposition member, normally the Leader of the main opposition party, and shall not be a member of a registered political party of which the Leader of the Council is also a member.

Response from the Leader:

The Leader responded that he would not be changing the constitution to require alternative arrangements to be put in place for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee from May 2023.

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