Consultation opens on Public Space Protection Order in Broadland

Broadland District Council has opened a formal consultation on proposed Public Spaces Protection Orders to tackle vehicle related anti-social behaviour.

Views of residents are welcome – just click on attached link

Broadland is one of the safest places to live in the country but unfortunately some residents have been regularly disturbed in the evenings and late into the night due to vehicle related anti-social behaviour.

There have also been reports from retail parks and business outlets where drivers are using their vehicles to intimidate other car park users and damage property.

A Public Spaces Protection Order provides an opportunity to set the standard of behaviour required in a specified locality and provides Police and Council enforcement officers with the opportunity to engage early when they believe behaviours may fall below that standard.

Before making an Order, the Councils must consider the views of its statutory partners including the wider community – it is, after all, the community that is most impacted by any poor behaviour.

It is proposed that the Council makes an Order which covers their entire district operating between 6pm on Thursdays to 6am on Tuesdays – these are the key times that reports of disturbance have been made to the Police and or Councils. The responses to the consultation may suggest changes to these proposed times.

A review of the Order, if made, would take place after 12 months, to look at whether the intervention has reduced the impact and whether the Order is still required.

Consultation letters have been sent to Norfolk Police, the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Norfolk, Norfolk County Council Highways and every town and parish council clerk in each distric

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