Green Party responds to Prime Minister’s disastrous plan to weaken the government’s net zero policies

Responding to Rishi Sunak’s press conference in which the Prime Minister confirmed he is weakening the government’s net zero policies, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“This is a desperate and dangerous u-turn from the Prime Minister which will throw the UK economy, the wellbeing of its citizens and the future of our environment out the window in a misguided attempt to create divisions for political gain.

“More than anything this speech sounded like an admission of the government’s failure to implement climate policy in a way that brings people with them while showing the benefits of a more sustainable future.

“The government should be taking responsibility and leading the way by investing in the green transition, rather than putting the burden onto individuals. At the same time, it needs to be honest with the public about the need to reach net zero and what it will take to get there.

“We know that people are extremely concerned about the environment and want clear leadership and action on the climate. This means insulating people’s homes, investing in renewables and making sustainable transport more affordable, accessible and convenient.

“Not only would this help the UK reach its climate commitments but it would also help households through the cost of living crisis through cheaper bills and creating jobs.

“Instead, we have a government which is going backwards on all of these things, stoking fears of change and undermining the good work already being done.

“And let’s not pretend there isn’t the money around to make this happen. The government is currently spending billions of pounds subsidising the fossil fuel industry which is actively making the climate crisis worse, costing us all billions more in the process.

“Meanwhile, a wealth tax on the richest 1% could go a long way to fund the changes necessary to reduce emissions and ensure those with the broadest shoulders play a part in improving the lives of those who are struggling right now.”





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