Promoted by Jan Davis on behalf of Broadland Green Party, a constituent party of the Green Party of England & Wales PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ
Rising levels of Plastic Waste needs to be dealt with urgently
Very concerning results have come in from the recent Big Plastic Count. Vast amounts of plastic are being thrown away (an estimated 1.7 billion pieces per week in the UK).
Far more plastic remnants are incinerated (58%) or landfilled or littered (25%), rather than recycled (17%), and incinerated plastic releases more carbon dioxide.
A new report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory shows plastic production emits as much carbon pollution each year as 600 coal-fired power plants. And plastic-linked emissions could triple by 2050, it warned, taking up more than 20% of the global carbon budget even if power grids shift to clean energy.
We need government policies to reduce plastic use wherever possible and look at reuse and refill systems and recycling too. Green Party policy covering natural resources and waste management is outlined in detail on the website and covers both short and long term policies.