Letter on Sustainability by Ailsa Marcham published in the Eastern Daily Press

Ailsa Marcham, member of the Broadland Green Party Executive had a letter published in the Eastern Daily Press on 12 June 2024.   The content is as follows:


Dear Letters Editor
Boris Johnson attracted new MPs and voters who wanted a government for levelling up, business, and self-reliance. Government recognised, accepted, then rejected the urgent call to reduce carbon emissions.
Amid chaotic internal battles, funding influences led policy back to fossil fuel expansion: coal, gas prospecting, carbon storage and road building.  Growth projects’ costs escalated, leaving essential services on life support.
Do stressful working conditions support long-term productivity and profit? Are the non-employed slacking or suffering?  Should authorities contract out essential services to agencies which profit, exploit data, and intentionally degrade services, wages, and conditions?  Shouldn’t the civil service and the NHS model good employment practice? Could Britain be more secure if infrastructure and utilities were publicly owned, controlled, and maintained locally, incidentally relieving householders from managing tricksy ticketing and contracts.
Regulated, properly funded local government can organise effective social care, health care, public safety and hygiene, education, public transport, and utilities. Paying Council tax, National Insurance, and fair, progressive Income tax rates saves money. We shouldn’t need so many charities supplementing essential services.
Which Party would be most collaborative in strategising for this resource-depleted, consumption driven nation? Which will futureproof our failing infrastructure and help children and adults to be resilient, self-reliant, and involved?
We live in increasingly hostile, confusing, competitive times of hazard and wars. What happens elsewhere impacts Britain. Climate emergencies happen here.  It’s not 'growth' and more ‘stuff’ that increases security.  
Thousands of citizen protesters strive daily to be heard in policy making but are ridiculed and criminalised.
Let’s value scientists like Dr Andrew Boswell, and conservation work by Natural England, CPRE, Friends of the Earth, The Norfolk Wildlife Trust (Sweet Briar Marshes), and community organisations like Mile Cross Green Hearts. They operate to advise and support progressive adaptation.
‘Restore Nature Now’ reflects the desperation of people up and down the country.  150 plus groups who support urgent action to address wildlife decline, pollution, carbon emission and climate resilience, will meet in London next month, June 22nd.
Sustainability, not growth economics, should drive our authorities.
Yours Sincerely
Ailsa Marcham
Promoted by Jan Davis on behalf of Broadland Green Party a constituent party of the Green Party of England and Wales, PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ


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