I have lived in Norfolk for 24 years and resident in Salhouse for the last 18 years.
For the past 10 years I have been on the parish council. As a Green Party campaigner, I have stood for county and district elections on previous occasions.
My interests in the Parish Council are the environment, conservation, rights of way and encouraging social cohesion.
As the footpath warden for the area, I am particularly interested in public access to the countryside, road safety, social inclusion, waste management and the preservation of our conservation area.
I am a sculptor specialising in large installations utilising materials that are discarded and redundant. My sculptures offer up a mirror about our abuse of the planet’s resources and the ways in which we are destroying the one world we have through our wastefulness and misuse of the planet.
I live on a smallholding where I make my work, grow vegetables, fruit trees and over the years I have been developing the garden with trees and a wildflower meadow.